Please contact us if you are interested in selling or trading your old video games!
Feel free to fill out the form below to get in touch with us and get a quote if you're interested in selling your video games. When filling out the form, make sure you include everything on the "Seller Checklist"
Seller checklist
- Your Name
- Your full address
- List of all the video games you are looking to sell
- Pictures of all the video games you are looking to sell
- Completion of each game (state if the box, instruction manual and game are included)
Once we quote the items you will receive a shipping label and once the items arrive at our facility and are checked to confirm that they are in working condition, we will send payment within 2 business days.
We only accept North American (NTSC) versions of games, and should all be in working and sellable condition. Items not in fully workable condition will get no credit. All transactions are final and we do not return damaged consoles or games. If the package contains unapproved, broken, or non working items, the invoice will be changed. Games listed as “complete” must include the game case, instruction manual, game, and any other paperwork , inserts or items that were included at the time of purchase. We have the right to refuse buying items at our discretion.